Order and Delivery

How can I find the product I am looking for?

You can reach the products you want by typing the product you are looking for in the search field located in the upper right corner of the page or by selecting the relevant product group from the menu on the left side of the page. You can access the display you want about color and price by using the sort buttons.

Where can I see my orders?

You can see your orders in the "My Orders" section on the "My Account" page.

What should I do if I want to cancel my order for the product I purchased?

You can cancel your order by selecting it when you enter your order from the "My Account" tab. It is not possible to cancel processed orders. If your order has been processed, you cannot cancel it.

Can I add or remove products from the order I have created?

Your orders reach us online. Since the payment amount you made cannot be changed, it is not possible to add products to your order later. You must create a new order for the product you want to add.

Is there a possibility that the product I ordered is not available?

Due to the stock problem experienced in any product in your order, it can be experienced especially at the end of the season. If this problem occurs due to instant stock changes, our call center will contact you by phone or e-mail and inform you. Lufian makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the content of this site, but states that from time to time there may be some inaccuracies, outdated information or typographical errors on the site. In addition, Lufian always reserves the right to make changes or corrections on the site at any time and for any reason. Lufian is not responsible for typographical errors, typographical errors and pricing errors on the site. However, it also reserves the right to cancel orders resulting from such errors.

In how many days will my order be delivered to cargo?

Your orders are sent  within an average of 3 working days. Weekends and public holidays are not included. During the discount periods, the delivery time varies between 7 and 14 days due to the intensity experienced. 


Can I change my shipping address after I place my order?
Changing the delivery address of the orders you have paid for can be made if your products have not been delivered to the cargo company. You can forward your request by calling our call center at 772 975 4333.

My credit card payment was taken even though my order was not completed, what can I do?
For all problems that occur during your order, you can contact us by calling our call center at 772 975 4333 or by filling out our contact form.

Will I pay for shipping?
You will not pay a shipping fee for your purchases of 150,000IQD or more from www.lufian.com. Orders under 150,000IQD are charged as 4000IQD.

When will my product be shipped for my purchases?

Your orders are sent  within an average of 3 working days. The procurement process of orders placed on weekends and public holidays will be processed on the first business day. The delivery of your order may vary depending on the correct delivery address and the delivery city.

When will my product be shipped during discount periods?

Due to the intensity experienced during the discount periods, the delivery time varies between 7-14 working days.

How can I track the shipping information of my order?

You can follow the shipping process of your order under the "My Orders" heading by viewing your relevant order on the "My Account" page. You will be informed by e-mail when your order is shipped.

What can I do if my order has not arrived?

For all problems that occur during your order, you can contact us by calling our call center at 772 975 4333  or by filling out our contact form.